⚠️This is an experimental new feature, so there may be unexpected issues. If you run into an issue, email [email protected] and we will help you out.

Safari extensions are new in iOS 15! They let apps interact with websites you browse on Safari, just like a Chrome extension. hbd uses a Safari extension to help you import your Facebook friends' birthdays.

How to Get the Extension

  1. Make sure you already have hbd and are signed into the app, and you're on iOS 15+

  2. Open Safari on your iPhone

  3. To the left of the address bar on any website, tap the "aA" icon. This will open a popup menu.


  4. tap "Manage Extensions", then enable hbd


  5. Just below the "Manage Extensions" row, hbd should show up. Tap on it to open the popup and go from there!


How to use it

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone
  2. go to facebook.com
  3. ⚠️ Follow these steps to request the Desktop website. This extension only works on the desktop version of facebook.com. Sorry it's annoying, we know.
    1. tap the "aA" icon again to bring up the Safari menu

    2. tap on "Request Desktop Website". The page will reload, but nothing will happen yet.


    3. Open up the hbd popup and tap "I'm ready" to start searching for birthdays.

  4. It may take a minute to load all your birthdays, so be patient 🙂
  5. Select Each birthday you want to import, or tap "select all"
  6. Import your birthdays. Then open hbd to make sure everything worked correctly!

Common Issues and Frequently Asked Questions